Department of Computer Science
Guimu Guo
Robinson Hall #328-O
- Reference course syllabus, schedule and other materials for:
- Access Canvas LMS on the Rowan Online Portal for assignments and labs
- Utilize Rowan Success Network to make appointments and check attendance records
- Look in Rowan Self-Service Banner to view student records and course registration
- Configure your COMPUTER SYSTEM and ACCESS:
- Confirm access to your Rowan Network Username & Password (different than your student ID# - usually your last name & first initial)
- Review access to your student information and course registration in Rowan Banner Self-Service (using your 9-digit Banner ID & PIN)
- Find your H: drive for Network File Storage
- Connect to the University's secure wireless network RowanSecure after you:
- Utilize Rowan Virtual Desktop or mount your home directory with Rowan ExpanDrive (if you require remote access to your H: drive)
- Install Office 365 with the full Office suite on up to 5 personal devices for free
- Access Rowan-owned software from any device using RowanCloud-Citrix on or off campus (if necessary)
- Create a folder called IOOP or other course name on your H: drive to store all your class projects and work (using File Manager)
- (IOOP) Install the platform-specific BlueJ Application and JDK for your system (MUST use at least BlueJ version 4.2.2 and Java 8)
- (IOOP) Download the BlueJ projects from the web
- (OPTIONAL) Make your own web presence by:
- Finding the public.www directory under your H: drive ... If not there, create a new directory named public.www
- Opening a text editor such as Notepad
- Writing your name in the text file ... Later, look at updating this file with HTML
- Saving the text file with the exact name index.html
- Accessing your web page from a browser using the URL: users.rowan.edu/~yourNetworkUsername
- Explore additional technical RESOURCES:
- Drop in for free CS Tutoring
- See the IOOP or OOPDA glossary of terms and concepts you should know
- Follow the Program Style Guide in your code
- View Video Notes online for each chapter in the textbook
- Complete LinkedIn Learning(Lynda) tutorials for specific topics related to IOOP
- Practice coding at CodeCheck with autograded exercises
- Consider the LearnerOO or Guru99 website and tutorials for additional help
- Utilize CodingBat, Practice-It, or CodeStepByStep for additional practice
- Review the ORACLE Java Tutorials to further comprehension
- Maximize your ROWAN EXPERIENCE:
- Check out How is College different from HS?
- Don't fall behind and always get help when necessary
- Be mature and responsible; professors are here to help facilitate your learning, but it is solely up to you to do the work to learn
- Attend classes regularly (even if not mandated) and check attendance records on RSN (if possible)
- Take care of yourself by utilizing the Wellness Center, Rec Center, and Student Center
- Ensure proper time management and studying time with help from the Academic Success Center
- Don't self-advise and see your CS Academic Advisor prior to registering for each semester
- Get to know some upper-level CS students, peer mentors, learning assistants, and tutors
- Join ACM, ACM-W, or some other campus activities/clubs including the Rowan Center for Cybersecurity Education and Research (CCER)
- Start thinking about resume and career resources, signup for the CS Jobs mailing list, and view existing job postings
- Reference the Rowan CS Department website to stay updated